Morning Feed

SanctiFit Members receive our eBook with weight loss and healthy living tips. As well, it is a devotional and teachings from the Bible to encourage you and to help understand God’s desire for you and your life.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker


Do you find yourself feeling hungry or weak as you are tracking your calories to lose weight? Or are you struggling with consistently being on target with your calories to lose weight? Now may be the time to start tracking your macronutrients while tracking your calories.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

The Details Matter

"Good enough for government work" is something I've heard while working in and outside the government. I'm a veteran of the United States Air Force and I served my country as a Dental Assistant. This was not the work I wanted to do, however it is what the Air Force needed to maintain readiness.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Understanding Your Desires

God commands us in Deuteronomy 5:21 that we are not to covet people nor things that belong to another person. God commands us not to desire another's blessings. God commands that we are not to be jealous of another and wish to take from them to add to ourselves. When we do this, it is evidence of our fallen sinful selfish nature. So to keep ourselves in check we need to understand our desires.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Change Your Cravings

What are your go to foods that satisfy your cravings? All of us have them and today we are going to take a quick look at why we crave these foods and what you can choose to do to change them into healthier desires.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Knowledge is Power?

Most likely you have heard the phrase "knowledge is power". Is this true? If you know something does it give you power to control it and have it do as you will? Most definitely not.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Brain Food

Your brain is the organ that is the control center for the rest of your body. It controls both your involuntary and voluntary body functions and is used in your thinking and memory storage. So, it is vital that we strive for and maintain great brain health. The things we put into our bodies impacts our brain and then conversely impacts how our brain functions in doing its work.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Wind Power

If you have ever had the pleasure of driving across the country and finding wide open spaces you have seen colonies of giant wind turbines spinning in the wind for as far as you can see. For me, it is one of my favorite things to watch. It's almost hypnotic in what appears to be perpetual motion. Just when I think I could not be more amazed, I find something abnormal.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Breath of Life

Did you know that just by doing simple breathing exercises you can promote weight loss? There have been many studies conducted about weight loss and breathing. They conclude that by practicing deep breathing exercises you may decrease anxiety levels, improve your mental sharpness and improve your sleep quality. All of these go hand-in-hand with your calorie restricted eating plan, drinking more water and detoxing your body from toxins stored in your fat cells.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Loving Discernment

We live in a worldly society that has always pressed down on people in an effort to separate, control, use and destroy them for the benefit of the one in power. We all have been taught by worldly teachers the reasons that others are inferior and why we are special. This worldly teaching and practice has never been more promoted and broadcast more than today. Through technology, the worldly systems of discrimination and self-importance are being shared online in real time. With this being the environment in which we live and make decisions, we must be diligent in seeking God for His discernment.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Eliminate Bad & Replace with Good

Out with the bad and in with the good! As we have been teaching over the past three weeks, it is important to make consistent healthy choices in our diets to reduce our calories in order to lose weight. Along with that, we also need to cleanse out old bad deposits of toxins that continue to linger.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Eternal Perspective

Our perspective, or viewpoint, changes the way we make decisions and how we evaluate the results of those decisions. We have all heard that hindsight is 20/20. We can see that by looking back over our lives and the decisions we made in critical moments, how we came to be at our current self. If you were able to, would you go back in time and make different decisions than you did with the hope of changing your current self or the results that have impacted those you love? If you could, how would you determine the best decisions in order to get the best outcomes?

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Learning from the Wise

The Bible teaches us that King Solomon was the wisest man to ever live. God blessed him in this way as a response to his request. God had appeared to King Solomon and instructed him saying, "Ask what I shall give you." King Solomon's response was asking that God would give him an understanding mind and a hearing heart to judge God's people so that he could discern between good and evil. Wow! King Solomon humbly understood that he was lacking and in that moment asked that God supply his greatest need.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Stay On Track with Meal Planning

For most of us that are on this TRIP, one of the biggest decisions we make each day is what we will eat. We have lived a life of abundant choices related to food. In most of our decisions we choose food based on our mood, hunger and finances. This inevitably leads us to choosing fast foods, carb heavy foods and food amounts that are high in calories.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

“And We’re Walking …”

Have you ever been to a place of interest like a museum or nature tour that there is a guide that is giving you directions and insight to all that you are seeing and experiencing? These types of tours can be very enlightening and great experiences when you have two things that happen.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Benefits of Walking

If you have not done so by now and are able, it is time that you start including walking as part of your TRIP. Walking is something God has blessed most of us with the ability to do. It is the most basic mode of transportation to move us from the start to the finish of our destination.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Open Door Policy

Over my years of working, I have heard the phrase, "open door policy". This is to mean that at any time that I need, I may go in and speak with the boss about a difficult situation I was finding myself in. The expectation was that someone of power would listen to me and then would be able to respond based on their overall knowledge, judgment and ability to change something if needed to ensure the overall goal of the company was achieved.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Overcoming Weakness

Normally in this section of your Morning Feed we provide for you food, nutrition and physical health tips based on our research from subject matter experts. Today, the subject matter comes from point number 10 in your "Instructions to follow over the next 40 Days - your TRIP (Temple Renovation in Progress)" that we provided to you with your Membership: Pray to the Lord to sustain you in your weakness.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

No Hiding, Seek God

I remember growing up playing hide and seek with my friends and playing "you go hide and I will go watch TV" with my little brother and sister. The game is played by one person or group of people hiding and then have a person go out to find those trying their best to disappear into the shadows so that they are not found. That's it. Pretty simple rules and it is interesting that anyone even playing for the first time understands how to hide.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

Do You Need a Happy Meal?

There has been research conducted that has found a connection between obesity and depression. This connection can be mild up to severe. If you are in or towards the severe spectrum of either or both, we implore you to contact a local healthcare professional and seek personal help in conjunction with your TRIP.

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Johnny Walker Johnny Walker

What’s In A Word?

Have you ever heard a word or phrase so often that either the words lost their meaning or that it has been used incorrectly for so long that you never stop to think about what is actually being said. For example, 'love'. Are you talking about your spouse, children, family members, friends, your favorite team or your favorite food?! The definition changes based on context.

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Matthew 4:4

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’.”