Benefits of Walking

If you have not done so by now and are able, it is time that you start including walking as part of your TRIP. Walking is something God has blessed most of us with the ability to do. It is the most basic mode of transportation to move us from the start to the finish of our destination.

Here are many benefits to walking an hour each day. Some of those include:

  • Burning additional calories each day to increase weight loss

    • Factors that impact the number of calories burned

      • Personal - Your weight, age and gender

      • Terrain - flat, incline and decline of walking path

      • Speed - average walking pace is 3 mph

      • Time spent - total time walking over the day

  • Improving your mood

  • Lowering your blood pressure by increasing blood flow throughout the body

If you are just starting to make walking part of your TRIP, be sure not to overdo it. Start out walking at a comfortable pace and amount of time. Each day increase the speed and amount of time in small increments to be sure that you are not causing injury and exhaustion. Once you find your limit, be consistent to daily stay active.

If you find time to be a factor, taking two walks or more per day adds up. You can still reach your goal of walking an hour each day. Overtime, you will find that you physically feel better and that your body will burn the fuel stored in your fat cells causing you to lose weight.

So, no matter where you are on your TRIP, if you can, you and your loved ones will benefit from walking!

Ready to join a community like you that is walking on their TRIP as well? Join us each Thursday night for our weekly Members Only meeting where we share our experiences and encourage each other to live a completely healthy life.


“And We’re Walking …”


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