Temple Renovation In Progress

Proverbs 16:9

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

At SanctiFit we understand that living a completely healthy life is not a one time event, it is a TRIP of a lifetime.

We have created this acronym that is a reminder of why it is important to pursue complete health and the process needed to reach our desired destination.


The Bible explains that God created each person in His image. God created our soul and spirit as immaterial parts as He is also Spirit. God also created for us a material part, our flesh, to provide a habitat that our immaterial parts to reside. We call this habitat of flesh our body.

For Christians, those who have trusted in Christ Jesus as our personal Savior, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. A temple is a material structure that is created/built for the purpose of worshiping and communicating with God. God instructed King Solomon to build the first Temple of the Lord to be a permanent structure for God to fill with His glorious presence so that His people may come and dwell with Him.

God gave King David and his son King Solomon detailed instructions on how to build the Temple interior and exterior. God gave specifics of what items were to be brought into the Temple and how they were to be used. God was completely thorough in all aspects in constructing the Temple of the Lord.

Once the Temple of The Lord was completed, God Himself filled the Temple with His glorious presence and King Solomon along with His people all worshiped Him. As long as King Solomon and His people lived in obedience to God's statutes and commandments, He would dwell with and bless them all. Sadly, King Solomon and His people over time decided to disobey God and worshiped false idols/gods. God's presence left the Temple and it was destroyed as God allowed Babylon to overtake His people.

In John 14, Jesus teaches His disciples that after His ascension back to His Father that He will ask Him to send God the Holy Spirit to live inside them until they are also received into heaven. Today, God the Holy Spirit enters into and dwells in the bodies of each person that has accepted Christ Jesus as their personal Savior. Our bodies become a temple for God. It is only in His power and will that we are saved from our sins and that are allowed to be in His holy presence.


Renovation is the act of renewing a structure or object that has been damaged and is no longer as it was when it was first created. In a renovation there is a determination of what can be saved and continued to be used and what needs to be removed and replaced with new materials. The renovation is complete once everything is back to a pristine condition.

In Progress

In Progress is to be actively moving forward. This is not a status quo or stagnant state. This is a constant state of change that is going forward.

This Temple Renovation In Progress (TRIP) you are starting is designed to encourage and help Christians to live a completely healthy life by allowing God the Holy Spirit to sanctify us.

God has so richly blessed us with life. He has given us a physical body that is a temple for Him to dwell with us in this physical world. Only God can renovate this temple from the inside out. This will take time, some longer than others.

This progression is called sanctification; the process of being set apart from the world to become holy as God is holy. I pray that your TRIP will bring you to a place of complete health in God

TRIP Compass

Daily Steps to Stay on Your Path

Pray to the Lord to make you completely healthy

Plan out your day of meals to avoid going over your calorie goal

Track all your calories

Be sure to eat at least the minimum calories needed to maintain health

Drink at least 8 cups of water

Never drink your calories (only drink zero calorie beverages)

Eat more protein and good fats than breads/grains

Increase the amount of green vegetables you eat

Cut back on sodium

Get at least 7 hours of sleep