Change Your Cravings

What are your go to foods that satisfy your cravings? All of us have them and today we are going to take a quick look at why we crave these foods and what you can choose to do to change them into healthier desires.

First off, we need to understand that the foods you are craving typically do not have anything to do with the needs of your physical body. Research shows that usually men crave savory items and women crave sweet items. There are times that our body needs to be replenished due to hunger, dehydration and lack of sleep that trigger cravings; however that is not normally related to lack of nutrients and vitamins. If it were so, our cravings would always be for foods that are good for our pizzas .... I mean bodies.

The food cravings we have today are mostly based on our mental and emotional health. There are some physical causes like imbalanced hormones due to a woman's reproductive stage in life (pregnancy, PMS and menopause) and low levels of physical activity that causes the brain to turn on the cravings. Yet even these physical conditions are more so triggers to satisfy our mental health.

Mental health issues are the predominant reasons you crave the foods you do. The foods you crave are associated with comfort and pleasure. Are you a movie watcher? How often do you crave unhealthy foods and drinks while watching the movie? I know for me that the snacks are part of the experience.

So how do we change your cravings to things that are always good for you? First, determine why you are having the craving.

Are you hungry, thirsty, stressed, lonely, deprived of sleep? Instead of self-medicating with foods that will not fix the problem, choose to resolve your issue with things that are healthy for you like eating foods that are in your plan, drinking more water and being more physically active. Find someone you can talk to (you can always go to the Lord in prayer and read His Word He gives to you) and get some deep sleep.

After addressing your issue, start consistently exchanging the items that are not healthy for healthy ones. You will find that over time your cravings will change and your desires will be for all that is good for your complete health.

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Understanding Your Desires


Knowledge is Power?