Does Temptation Equal Sin?

What tempts you? What defines a temptation? How do you know if it is just a natural desire for the needs of your body? Can something that is good be bad? Are temptations the same as sin?

Temptations are thoughts and desires that are against God and His commandments for you. Most temptations start in the heart of a person. These are truly the desires that you have whether you would admit them to others or yourself. All temptations are focused on your personal gain and are common to all people. One proof of our Lord Christ Jesus being completely human are the recorded accounts in the Bible. Along with that, these same accounts demonstrate His divinity in being completely God as well by the fact that He never sinned.

Sin is taking action on the temptation that is present. Sin is purposeful and severs our relationship to God. The earnings we receive when we sin is death. Death is separation from God. I praise God the Father for sending His Only Son, Christ Jesus, to offer Himself as the only worthy payment for my sins and the sins of all so that we may be made righteous with God.

Take some time to reflect on the temptations you are plagued with and understand where these come from and how God can equip you with the Holy Spirit to not sin. Rely on Him and be free.


God is holy and just. God is completely pure and glorious. God is perfectly flawless in His judgments. He is all knowing of every thing and every one. All sin in the world and in each person is against Him. It is our sin that makes us all His enemy. Yet God does not punish us with daily and eternal wrath that we deserve. He reaches out to rescue us from our sins and transforms us into His righteousness. God is merciful by not giving to us what we deserve and He freely gives His mercy to all. It is our response to His mercy that determines each day and our eternal relationship with Him.


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