Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the result of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of a Christian.

Article & Video Source: GotQuestions.Org


The Fruit of the Holy Spirit: What is Love?


Galatians 5:22-23 tells us, “The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.” You may have heard about the fruit of the Spirit and wondered what it is and how it relates to our Christian faith.

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The Fruit of the Spirit - Joy


If we consider how many times the words “joy,” “joyful” and “rejoicing” appear on the pages of our Bibles – and I can tell you, it’s far too many to count! –we can start to understand just how important this second, sweet fruit of the Spirit really is.

Click through and read the entire article at BeLoved

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit - What is patience?

There are two Greek words translated as "patience" in the New Testament. Hupomonē means "a remaining under," as when one bears up under a burden. It refers to steadfastness in difficult circumstances. Makrothumia, which is used in Galatians 5:22, is a compound formed by makros (“long”) and thumos (“passion” or “temper”). “Patience” in Galatians 5:22 literally means “long temper,” in the sense of “the ability to hold one’s temper for a long time.” The KJV translates it “longsuffering.” A patient person is able to endure much pain and suffering without complaining. A patient person is slow to anger as he waits for God to provide comfort and punish wrongdoing. Since it is a fruit of the Spirit, we can only possess makrothumia through the power and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Click through and read the entire article at GotQuestions.Org

The Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

Kindness is easily pondered, but not so easily carried out. We live in an age of velliety, where simply publishing our desires for kumbaya and world peace are lauded as good deeds, and nice intentions are stated as if they are triumphs. However, we struggle daily to be kind across the internet, across the aisle, and even across our own dinner tables. Any honest couple will admit that as time goes on and familiarity with each other grows, the kindness that seemed so effortless in early days becomes more difficult to convey.

Click through and read the entire article at PlaceForTruth.Org

The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness

As the Holy Spirit works in our lives, our character is transformed. In the areas of our lives where we once held onto sin, which reflects our human nature, we can now possess the fruits of the Spirit and reflect God’s character.

One of the fruits of the Spirit is goodness. So, what does this mean, and how can it be applied to our lives?

Click through and read the entire article at GCU.Edu

In what way is faithfulness a fruit of the Holy Spirit?

Faithfulness has two different meanings. If we mean the faithfulness of God or Jesus, it refers to steadfastness, honesty, firmness, and God's utter dependability based on His unchanging character. If we mean human faithfulness, it refers to our steady allegiance to God and our trust in Him. A "faithful" man is "full of faith"; he believes in the reality of God as revealed in Scripture.

Click through and read the entire article at CompellingTruth.Org

The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness Isn’t a Weakness


If we undervalue gentleness, or meekness, it’s likely because we misunderstand it. Perhaps we think of it as a sort of spinelessness or weakness, as if to be gentle or meek is to lie down and let others wipe their feet on us. But a better, more biblical way to think of gentleness is as strength under control. This is the gentleness the Scriptures describe in our triune God and in His servants, like the apostle Paul. It involves a Godward dimension of submission to the Lord in all of His Word and works, and it involves a human dimension in the consideration of others. Such humble strength is what God expects of and supplies to all His people.

Click through and read the entire article at TruthForLife.Org