
Congratulations on choosing to CHANGE! You have chosen to lose weight and to live a healthy life going forward!

I want you to know that with this choice things will be different. You will start to make decisions on your food, activities and possibly your relationships than you have done so before. Your choices and behavior will be different. Just know that it’s okay to be different - for the better.

Know that as you make each decision related to your health it will initially not feel natural because it is not. Your natural response to this point has been to satisfy your immediate desires without considering the impact of those decisions long term. It’s time to be different and make good choices for your health today that will also result in long term success!

Physical Health

We ingest calories with each food and drink we consume. Our bodies use these calories as fuel to support our bodies throughout the day. When we consume more calories than are needed for our bodies needs, the calories are stored into our body’s reserves - fat cells. These reserves are used and depleted as we need them to maintain body function.

Over time the more calories that you consume and that are being stored for future use, the more your physical weight increases. You are today carrying around stored up fuel in your fat cells that are waiting to be used when needed.

In order to lose weight, you must start consuming less calories than needed to support your body functions. Your body will then tap into your stored up “fuel” cells and you will lose weight!

So today as you are eating and drinking, remember to consume less so that your fat cells are converted into “fuel” cells and you will lose weight!

Bible Devotion

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.

These verses are what I use to be a constant reminder of what I am called to do in order to worship God and to be completely healthy. God is the Creator and Provider of all that is good. He is Holy and desires for you and me to be the same. The only way to do this is to allow Him to change you into who He has already planned you to be.

Music Video: “Different” by Micah Tyler


Did God create you to be fat?